
General information about reaching Politecnico:

How to reach us (once you arrived in Politecnico):

We are located in the Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica (Department of Control and Computer Engineering). Once arrived in the main campus map, directions are the following:

  • Reach the Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica. The best way to come there is to take the stairs that are next to the GM Powertrain building (Google Streetmap View), on the west side of Corso Castelfidardo; for who is familiar with the Politecnico di Torino campus, use the same stairs that bring you to the LABINF lab.
  • Go up till the second floor if you want to reach the Lab9 (where our PhD students are located), or the third floor to reach the faculties. A courtesy phone is next to the door, with a list of available phone numbers. Call us and we will come to greet you.