

Welcome to the NetGroup at Politecnico di Torino The Computer Networks Group (NetGroup) is a research group focused on computer networks. It is involved in several teaching activities (courses), research projects (both academic and applied research), and consulting activities. Main research directions include: Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing and Network “softwarization” Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Resouce and Service orchestration Formal methods applied to multi-domain cloud/fog-oriented SDN/NFV-based networks Cloud/Edge/Fog computing (e.


Faculties: Riccardo Sisto, Full Professor homepage publications riccardo.sisto[at]polito.it Claudio Casetti, Full Professor homepage publications claudio.casetti[at]polito.it Fulvio Risso, Full Professor homepage publications fulvio.risso[at]polito.it Guido Marchetto, Full Professor homepage publications guido.marchetto[at]polito.it Mario Baldi, Associate Professor homepage publications mario.baldi[at]polito.it Fulvio Valenza, Tenure Track Assistant Professor homepage publications fulvio.valenza[at]polito.it Alessio Sacco, Non-tenure Track Assistant Professor homepage publications alessio_sacco[at]polito.


Code Course name CDL Year Period Teacher 12CDUOA Reti di Calcolatori Ing. Informatica 3 1 Marchetto, Cena, Casetti 05KSILM Computer Networks Computer Engineering 3 1 Zunino 02KPNOV Tecnologie e Servizi di Rete Ing. Informatica 1LS 1 Marchetto 01OTWOV Computer Network Technologies and Services Ing. Informatica 1LS 1 Marchetto 01TXZOV Distributed Systems Programming Ing. Informatica 2LS 1 Sisto 01SQPOV Software Networking Ing.


Research at Netgroup This page contains information related to the research activities in the Networking Group (NetGroup). The main research topics are related to: Formal methods/verification (reference person: prof. Riccardo Sisto) Communication protocol engineering (reference person: prof. Claudio Casetti) Software-defined networking (reference person: prof. Guido Marchetto) High-speed packet processing/forwarding (reference person: prof. Fulvio Risso) Machine learning-based network management (reference person: dott. Alessio Sacco) Techniques for network security analysis, verification and monitoring (reference person: prof.


General information about reaching Politecnico: Map of the main campus, with the location of the Department Map of Torino, with the location of Politecnico How to get to Politecnico Public transportation in Torino: Network maps Journey planner How to reach us (once you arrived in Politecnico): We are located in the Dipartimento di Automatica e Informatica (Department of Control and Computer Engineering). Once arrived in the main campus map, directions are the following:


Research Public Contracts Type Duration Title Group Referent Consulting and Research Contracts 2013-2013 RICOSTRUZIONE DI FLUSSI HTTP MEDIANTE CATTURA DEL TRAFFICO CON SONDE PASSIVE Fulvio Risso Consulting and Research Contracts 2012-2012 TECNOLOGIE PER L’EVOLUZIONE DI SOFTWARE GESTIONALI Fulvio Risso Consulting and Research Contracts 2010-2011 STUDIO E REALIZZAZIONE DI UNA PIATTAFORMA PER LO SVILUPPO ED EROGAZIONE DI SERVIZI INFORMATICI SECONDO IL MODELLO SAAS Riccardo Sisto Consulting and Research Contracts 2010-2010 SPECIALIZZAZIONE DI NETPDL PER APPLICAZIONI PER LO SPAZIO Fulvio Risso Consulting and Research Contracts 2009-2009 AGGIORNAMENTO DELL’INFRASTRUTTURA DI FONIA ALLA TECNOLOGIA VOIP Fulvio Risso

Projects (last 10 years)

EU-Funded Projects Duration Title Main Contact 2022-2025 FLUIDOS - Flexible, Scalable Secure and Decentralized Operating Systems Fulvio Risso 2022-2025 CONNECT - Continuous and Efficient Cooperative Trust Management for Resilient CCAM Claudio Casetti 2022-2022 Distributed Learning for Resilient Virtual Network Management at Scale Guido Marchetto 2021-2023 A flagship for B5G/6G vision and intelligent fabric of technology enablers connecting human, physical, and digital worlds Claudio Casetti 2020-2020 TOSHI - Total System Shield Fulvio Risso 2019-2021 5GROWTH - 5G-enabled Growth in Vertical Industries Claudio Casetti 2018-2020 ASTRID - Addresing Threats for Virtualised services Fulvio Risso 2016-2017 NFV@EDGE (SoftFIRE 1st Open Call) Fulvio Risso 2016-2016 Certification Centre for Buslness Acceleration of SDN and NFV Fulvio Risso 2015-2015 SDN@EDGE Fulvio Risso 2015-2021 ASTIB - Development of Advanced Systems Technologies and hardware Riccardo Sisto 2013-2016 SECURED -Security at the Network Edge Fulvio Risso 2013-2016 UNIFY - Unifying Cloud and Career Networks Fulvio Risso 2012-2015 VETESS - Verification and Testing to Support Functional Safety Standards Riccardo Sisto Research Projects Supported by Structural and National Funds Duration Title Main Contact 2021-2022 ECCO: Edge-Cloud COntinuum for connected vehicles Claudio Casetti 2017-2017 Digital Vehicles Claudio Casetti 2014-2019 ITS (Sistema di Trasporto Intelligente) Italia 2020 Claudio Casetti 2011-2013 Gestione dei Contenuti Informativi in Reti Domestiche Federate Claudio Casetti 2010-2012 IMPRESA: Internet Monitoring with Privacy-Preserving Encoding and Selective Access Fulvio Risso 2010-2012 BESOS: Bandwidth Efficiency and Energy Saving by Sub-Lambda Optical Switching Mario Baldi 2010-2012 Esecuzione Efficiente di Codice Dinamico di Monitoraggio in Grado di Mantenere la Privacy sui Dati Fulvio Risso 2010-2012 SISMA - Sicurezza Funzionale dei Sistemi Meccatronici Automotive Riccardo Sisto